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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shooting en Auburn High School

Posted Apr 20, 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Last update Apr 20, 2009 @ 02:44 PM


Police have found the Chevy Blazer they think was involved in the shooting at Auburn High School today. They found the vehicle about 11 a.m.

Schools were on lockdown for about two hours today, after a ninth-grade boy was shot in the leg across the street from the Freshman Campus.

“The schools reacted very responsibly,” said Fred Diehl, the Rockford School District’s security and emergency response coordinator.

The first message about the 9 a.m. shooting went out at 10:10 a.m. Police and fire officials and the school nurse at the Freshman Campus responded, Diehl said.

The shooting happened across the street from the school at School Street and Pierpont Avenue.

“That’s where he was confronted,” Diehl said.

Both Auburn campuses and McIntosh Elementary School, across the street, were put on lockdown.

Several parents came to the Freshman Campus to bring their children home, Diehl said.

“That’s pretty typical,” he said.

Police have the situation under control and they’re investigating, Diehl said.

“Security is, by far, probably the most important factor,” he said.


  1. Flipado's power total!!!
    Suerte que los cops lo tienen bajo control. Menos mal Javi, estás totalmente a salvo.

  2. Que te veeeeeengas ya p'aquííííí, Jave!!
